Hill of Beans Harvests Goodness
On Friday, October 11, the Beanheads of Beacon: A Hill of Beans! harvested the final goodness of the season by hosting an old fashioned bean supper and bingo bash. Over 40 of our friends and neighbors joined us at the Garden House for fabulous world bean dishes, salad and cornbread staying for many rounds of bingo. Prizes included all manner of beany things, along with other seasonal prizes of harvest themed goods. Winner of Bingo Blackout was Jan Johnson of West Seattle, who won a gift certificate to Travelers Thali House where beans always take a starring role. We shared extra seeds (beans and otherwise) with the crowd and still have enough to distribute next spring!
We had time to share a long list of supporters, from the city's Department of Neighborhoods who jump started our project back in April with a Small Sparks grant, to our beanheads (Rockit and Garden Club members), the teens at Jefferson Community Center, Seattle Parks and el Centro (hosts to our 2 demonstration gardens) and over 25 merchants who hosted bean buckets for the Boulevard of Beans. The Beacon Beanheads also very much thank the neighbors for their words of encouragement all summer as we watered, and for their harvest of our crops. We hope you all discovered a new bean and are encouraged to try growing your own next year. |
graphics by creative breath designs. copyright 2013